Information on applying for a job

While job application requirements vary among employers, in most cases, you will use several similar documents when applying for jobs in Canada. These include your résumé (also known as a curriculum vitae, or CV) and cover letter. During your application, usually following an interview, some employers may also ask for academic documents and/or references.

Resumes and cover letters

Your résumé is the most important document you will give a potential employer. It outlines your education, work experience, skills, and contact information. It does not require personal information such as age, picture, Social Insurance Number, marital status, or religion.

Your cover letter introduces you to a potential employer and explains why you are a suitable candidate for the job. It should include the job title you’re applying for, as well as relevant information about your education and work history and how it relates to the position that you are applying for. Cover letters should be no more than one page and should be written grammatically in the same language as the job posting.

Your cover letter and résumé should be tailored for the specific job you’re applying for. They should incorporate job-specific language and the exact phrases and engineering terminology for the type of job you’re considering.


Some employers may want to see reference letters or to speak with someone you know who can provide a reference. References often come from a former employer, client, or professor who can describe your past work and personal qualities—for example, how well you work with others. You should try to seek references from people who you’ve had positive experiences with. If possible, it is best to provide reference letters from people in varying professions and from both overseas and Canada. They should be no more than one page long.

It is best to have your references ready before you start applying for jobs. If you provide someone’s name as a reference, you should ensure that they are aware of it and supportive.

Academic Documents

A potential employer may want to see your academic documents, such as degrees, certificates and transcripts. These must be translated into English or French, depending on the employer. Check with your potential employer for specific requirements—you may need to use an official translation service (if so, you will have to pay for the translation) and provide certified translations, original documents, or notarized documents.

Other important information

For information on applying for a job, visit the How do I apply for a Job and the Job Bank websites.


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